Increasing task success for medication alerts by 66%

UX Research

UX Design



Increasing task success for medication alerts by 66%

UX Research

UX Design



Increasing task success for medication alerts by 66%

UX Research

UX Design




CarePlanner just launched a beta of a new feature, electronic Medication Administration Records (eMARS) when I joined the organisation. However, despite initial engagement feedback from beta testers was starting to dwindle, and customer-facing teams reported that customers were losing interest.

In particular, the long-awaited medication alerts function, which alerted care managers to medication events recorded by carers in real time, had not gained as much interest as expected. This caused some concern as much of the sales and marketing messaging planned for the product launch centred the value proposition on this feature.

CarePlanner just launched a beta of a new feature, electronic Medication Administration Records (eMARS) when I joined the organisation. However, despite initial engagement feedback from beta testers was starting to dwindle, and customer-facing teams reported that customers were losing interest.

In particular, the long-awaited medication alerts function, which alerted care managers to medication events recorded by carers in real time, had not gained as much interest as expected. This caused some concern as much of the sales and marketing messaging planned for the product launch centred the value proposition on this feature.


  1. Sales teams who helped onboard new customers onto the beta programme said they didn’t usually demo the alerts feature because it ‘overwhelmed’ customers or they ‘weren’t ready for it yet’.

  1. Customer-facing teams reported customers rarely spoke to them about medication alerts when giving feedback about their beta experience.

  1. There was a lack of product data to quantify user adoption or engagement with the feature.


Working closely with users I worked to understand the problems, workshop new solutions and test a prototype that simplified the user journey across 2 pages. Consequently, the product team and I were able to;

  • Increase task success of creating and triggering a medication alert by 66%.

  • Significantly reduce the number of errors per session.

  • Save users over 2 minutes per alert using the new journey.

'Too complex for me'…

User Research

The product team and I started investigating the current user experience of the alerts feature, with 1:1 interviews with 6 care managers.

Interview takeaways:

  • Customers felt setting up medication records was a much bigger task than they had expected. Despite having the data on paper records, correctly entering medication records was intense and time-consuming.

  • All customers were aware of the alerts feature, only 4 of the 6 had used it on occasion, but 0 had consistent alert ‘coverage’ for all their clients.

  • The perceived complexity of setting up an alert and lack of time were consistent themes from all customers we spoke to.

The product team and I started investigating the current user experience of the alerts feature, with 1:1 interviews with 6 care managers.

Interview takeaways:

  • Customers felt setting up medication records was a much bigger task than they had expected. Despite having the data on paper records, correctly entering medication records was intense and time-consuming.

  • All customers were aware of the alerts feature, only 4 of the 6 had used it on occasion, but 0 had consistent alert ‘coverage’ for all their clients.

  • The perceived complexity of setting up an alert and lack of time were consistent themes from all customers we spoke to.

“My sole focus is getting all the medication paperwork set up…it’s a lot of admin. It’s not just a quick fill-in-a-form job, this is people's medication records! The details have to be right… Alerts look a bit too complex for me to think about right now”

“My sole focus is getting all the medication paperwork set up…it’s a lot of admin. It’s not just a quick fill-in-a-form job, this is people's medication records! The details have to be right… Alerts look a bit too complex for me to think about right now”

“My sole focus is getting all the medication paperwork set up…it’s a lot of admin. It’s not just a quick fill-in-a-form job, this is people's medication records! The details have to be right… Alerts look a bit too complex for me to think about right now”

Observation takeaways

Unfortunately, observations of users using the feature weren't any more encouraging. Using the same candidates from the interviews, I asked users to demonstrate how they would 'set up an alert to receive if a chosen client refused a specific medication'. I observed their interactions.

Observation Takeaways

Unfortunately, observations of users using the feature weren't more promising.Using the same candidates from the interviews, I asked to observe users interacting with the UI (user interface). In one particular task, users were instructed to ‘Show me how you would set up a typical alert for one of your clients, for example, if you wanted to know when they refused a medication’


(4/5) Failed to correctly create a medication alert.

17% didn't attempt the task.


(1/5) Successfully completed the task.

Using an example client record that already had medication alerts set up, as a guide.

3:03 mins

was the time spent by the successful user to complete the task.

7 errors

were made on average per session.

In addition, we found;

  • Only 2 of 6 referred to the instructional micro-copy on the page.

  • 83% of users said they would usually want the same staff member to receive medication alerts, rather than different people. SMS was the most popular method.

  • For the smallest care agency in this group with 25 clients, the user estimated it would take her ‘weeks’ to get alerts set up for every client and every medication.

  • 100% of users did not know how to edit or change an alert after setup.

In addition, we also found;

Only 2 of 6 referred to the instructional micro-copy on the pag

  • Only 2 of 6 referred to the instructional micro-copy on the page.83% of users said they would usually want the same staff member to receive medication alerts, rather than different people. SMS was the most popular method.

  • Only 2 of 6 referred to the instructional micro-copy on the page.

  • For the smallest care agency in this group with 25 clients, the user estimated it would take her ‘weeks’ to get alerts set up for every client and every medication.

  • 100% of users did not know how to edit or change an alert after setup.

Defining success.

Upon discussing these findings with internal stakeholders, it was felt improvements needed to prioritise the user’s perception of complexity and time investment. With this in mind, and given the limited amount of user data available, we considered the following measures to guide and quantify the success of any design enhancements we implemented.


Increase task success

At least 5/6 (83%) customers should be able to successfully create a medication alert.

Increase task success

At least 5/6 (83%) customers should be able to successfully create a medication alert.


Reduce user errors

Users should be able to create an alert making less than 5 errors.

Reduce user errors

Users should be able to create an alert making less than 5 errors.


Reduce time to success

Users should be able to create an alert within less than 2 minutes.

Reduce time to success

Users should be able to create an alert within less than 2 minutes.

Simplifying two distinct tasks.


I led a design workshop with various internal teams to review the existing user journey for creating a medication alert. The individual steps in the journey were represented on post-it notes on a whiteboard, and as ideas were explored we moved, added, or removed items to help visualise and articulate ideas.

In line with the customer feedback steps 4 and 5 in the user journey, which required users to identify administration responses as ‘desired’ or ‘undesired’, were discussed at length. The use of language and placement of the alerts feature also gained a lot of attention, and it was suggested having the alerts feature at the bottom of a medication record, which was already a lengthy form, contributed to user fatigue.

With various ideas for solutions, I went away and wireframed the most promising options, which separated the alert creation capability onto another page. In this flow, the user could create an alert in medication settings, and then decide what actions would ‘trigger’ the alert on the original medication record page. Consequently, I was also able to remove the concepts of ‘desired’ and ‘undesired’ outcomes, which was a source of friction in the previous designs.

To review, I bought the stakeholders back and presented the wireframes. Stakeholders were enthusiastic – the updated designs would allow users to create one alert and reuse it several times, however, there were some concerns if the user would understand how to ‘apply’ an alert properly. To test the designs, I developed a prototype and conducted some usability testing.

Significantly improved user understanding.

Testing and Iteration

To test the suggested design I developed a simple click-through prototype using Marvel, and tested the usability using Maze.

Task 1: In the new eMARS settings page create a medication alert to notify a chosen staff member of a medication issue, via your preferred method.

Result: 83% of testers completed task 1. Spending an average of 1.5 seconds on each step in the flow.

Task 2: Select a client you want to receive a medication alert about and set up a medication alert for when they refuse a specific medication.

Result: 83% of testers completed the task, spending an average of 2.7 seconds on each step. The fastest user correctly completed task 1 (create alert) and task 2 (apply alert) in 23 seconds.

Task 2: Select a client you want to receive a medication alert about and set up a medication alert for when they refuse a specific medication.

Result: 83% of testers completed the task, spending an average of 2.7 seconds on each step. The fastest user correctly completed task 1 (create alert) and task 2 (apply alert) in 23 seconds.

83% success

10/12 users were now able to successfully create an alert.


Errors were made in total across all 12 testing sessions.


The fastest user completed task 1 and 2 within 23 seconds.

Whilst initial results were promising, I also investigated the screen recordings of the prototype for further opportunities. In test 2, where users had to ‘apply’ the alert they had previously created (or create a new one), I noticed a 33% error rate. Recordings demonstrated that 4/12 users missed the 'enable to show in-app' step. Unfortunately, it was not possible to remove this step from the journey due to technical constraints, so I proposed the designs include some default options to ‘show in-app’ for each medication. I spoke to customers to identify the 3 most common outcomes they had created, to inform the default options.

I also proposed adding a default in the ‘create an alert’ page, so users could immediately use the feature ‘out of the box’. This would help address the need of the 83% of users who were setting up the same alert to alert the same people time and time again.

Whilst initial results were promising, I also investigated the screen recordings of the prototype for further opportunities. In test 2, where users had to ‘apply’ the alert they had previously created (or create a new one), I noticed a 33% error rate. Recordings demonstrated that 4/12 users missed the ‘enable to show in-app’ step of the journey. 

Unfortunately, it was not possible to just remove this step from the journey, so I proposed the designs include some default options to ‘show in-app’ for each medication. I spoke to customers to identify the 3 most common outcomes they all had created, to inform the default options.

I also proposed adding a default in the ‘create an alert’ page, so users could immediately use the feature ‘out of the box’. This would help address the need of the 83% of users who were setting up the same alert to alert the same people time and time again.The fastest user correctly completed task 1 (create alert) and task 2 (apply alert) in 23 seconds.

'Much better for the way we work'.


Before implementing the proposed changes, we considered the testing results in the context of the measures of success we previously defined. At the beginning of this process our priorities were to;


Increase task success

At least 5/6 (83%) customers should be able to successfully create a medication alert.

Increase task success

At least 5/6 (83%) customers should be able to successfully create a medication alert.


Reduce user errors

Users should be able to create an alert making less than 5 errors.

Reduce user errors

Users should be able to create an alert making less than 5 errors.


Reduce time to success

Users should be able to create an alert within less than 2 minutes.

Reduce time to success

Users should be able to create an alert within less than 2 minutes.

We were pleased to see for many of these metrics, we not only achieved but excelled at what we were aiming for. For example;

  • In both task 1 and task 2 we saw an 83% success rate using the new designs, so now 10/12 users were able to successfully create and trigger an alert (even across the 2 different pages).

  • We also saw a drastic decrease in errors, despite aiming for less than 5 errors per session, in these prototypes we only saw 5 user errors in total. We were hopeful the iteration to include some default options would decrease this number even further.

  • Our final measure of success was time-related to address users’ perception of the time needed to set up an alert. This measure was far exceeded by the fastest user who completed both tasks in 23 seconds.

+66% success

From 17% task success in original designs to 83% in new designs.

-6.5 errors

5 errors were made in total across all 12 testing sessions, reducing the average of errors from 7 to 0.5 per session!

02:37 sec saved

From 03:03 minutes to success in initial designs, to 00:23 seconds the latest flow.

“Being able to reuse the same alert multiple times is much better for me…and I can still customise and create one off alerts to account for those more trickier scenarios…this will be much better for how we work”

“Being able to reuse the same alert multiple times is much better for me…and I can still customise and create one off alerts to account for those more trickier scenarios…this will be much better for how we work”

Next steps.

  • The final designs were planned and road-mapped for development.

  • Work to track feature adoption through user tracking data was prioritised and brought forward.

  • The customer-facing teams revamped the onboarding experience tailored for new beta testers, and collaboration with marketing and sales teams was enhanced to align the messaging of the medication feature.

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