
Collaborating in a few start-up environments over the years, I have noticed a reoccurring theme of reluctance to speak with customers directly, especially in the early stages of development.

A few years ago whilst working at CarePlanner, the Product team and I became aware of a recurring customer challenge; many Care Managers were frustrated with Carers not always completing the tasks accurately on care appointments.

Last year, Customer Support within the UCAS International team reported an increase in support requests related to the scholarship feature of the learner application (app).

Over the past three years at UCAS, my role has revolved around the strategic internationalisation of both mobile and web products.

Last month I signed the Sustainable Web Manifesto, to declare my commitment to creating a sustainable internet. Sustainability has long been a topic I have been passionate about, but only recently have I started to consider the impact of my digital footprint on the planet. 

Jo Laycy 2024 ©

Jo Laycy 2024 ©

Jo Laycy 2024 ©

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